Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Prestiq not working

I've been taking Prestiq now for 5 weeks and it's not working. The supplement recommended to help transport serotinin did not work either. So much for DNA testing! But don't be discouraged if your doc recommends it because it has helped others.

I'm now over 2 months into another episode of depression. Yesterday, I started the Thyroid Synergy and Crave Arrest supplements again, given to me by the kinesiologist. Today, the depression has lifted.
What is it about these supplements that help me, and why do they work only for a limited amount of time? Again, no one knows and there is no way to find out.

The Best Antidepressant!

If you have a dog, take him to a dog park. It's nearly impossible to be sad in the presence of dogs at play.

I take my beloved dog to the dog park frequently and it always takes me out of my head and lifts my spirits.

Friday, June 8, 2012

DNA Test Results

The DNA study was interesting. It looked at three genetic pathways that transport antidepressants. Only one of my pathways was working. Lab was able to suggest which meds worked for me, and which did not. The med I've been on for twenty years, Paxil, was shown not to work - big surprise. They recommended Prestiq. I've been on this new med now for about three weeks. It has lifted the physical symptoms, but I'm still depressed. This is my third day off Paxil, and so far I have not had any withdrawal symptoms, which I know from experience can be wicked. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I continue to sail through without any symptoms. And maybe, the Prestiq will continue to lift me out of this dreaded illness.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Will depression ever be understood?

My friend has cancer. She has been so sick from the chemotherapy that at times, she wishes she never started treatment. She’s really suffering. Fortunately, she has lots of support from good friends who cook for her and visit.

I have depression. Sometimes I am so sick all I want to do is sleep. While my friends call to check up on me, no one cooks for me or visits.

Why the difference?

Most people just don't understand depression.

I remember reading somewhere about a man who had severe depression. He had a friend who visited him. There was little conversation - the friend just massaged his feet. How comforted the suffering man must have felt.

If you would like to help others understand this illness, suggest that they read "Darkness Visible - A Memoir of Madness" by William Styron.