Friday, January 6, 2012


Today is January 6 and is the 4th consecutive day I'm been depression-free. This comes after 4 months of debilitating depression. If I stay well (please oh please), this will be another cycle of depression and feeling well. This has been going on for many years - months of depression, months of feeling normal.

Last year, I was tested by a kinesiologist who put me on 2 supplements, Thyroid Synergy and Crave Arrest. Among other substances, they contain iodine and 5-HTP. After a few weeks, the depression lifted. I felt so well that I thought I could get off the Paxil which I'd been on for 20 years and which obviously no longer worked since I have periods of depression. The withdrawal symptoms were so brutal that I couldn't bear them. I went back on it and probably will have to stay on it for the rest of my life. (I continued to feel well for several months, than crashed so I stopped taking the supplements).

Paxil is now known to be the most addictive of the SSRIs. I've done lots of reading on this topic. Some folks have been able to get off it (not easily) - some could not. (I've heard that doctors don't like to prescribe Paxil anymore because of the addictiveness).

Anyway, 6 days ago I remembered the supplements and began taking them again. I can't say that they are the reason for feeling better since I've been cycling like this for years before I found them. What I do know is that coming out of the depression is the most incredible relief - it's almost like being reborn. Long may it last.